The Geospatial Data samples on this page are free to download for the purpose of evaluating PlanetObserver geospatial data.
To download the files, click on each location name and select “Save file as”.
Product: PlanetSAT
File format: GeoTiff (zip)
Projection: UTM
Resolution: 10 m
Data size: approx. 80 MB
Hong Kong, China
London, UK
Minneapolis, USA
Sydney, Australia
Product: PlanetDEM
File format: GeoTiff (zip)
Projection: WGS84 Geographic
Resolution: 30m and 90m
File size: approx. 1° x 1°
Dubai, UAE (2.5 MB) - 30m
Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (1.7 MB) - 90m
San Francisco, USA (5.5 MB) - 30m, 90m
Buthan (20.2 MB) - 30m, 90m